July 5, 2010

Vermicomposting Using Rice Sacks as Worm Bins

This is my step-by-step method of  using rice sacks for vermicomposting.

1.  Inverting the bottom corners of the sack.  This allows the sack to "stand".


3.  Place a few sheets of newspaper at the bottom. The newspaper absorbs all the excess water of the bedding.  During airdrying, the newspaper ensures that the bottom part does not dry out completely.

4.  Add the precomposted materials.  The precomposted materials should still be moist at this point.  Three 5-gallon containers of precomposted organic waste gives about 15"-high worm bed.  Add a  few handfuls of soil while filling up the sack.   Top-off by evenly distributing soil enough to cover the material.

5.  Bring the sack to its final location before filling-up.  This way, it is still light enough to carry.  Once filled-up, insert a stick all the way to the bottom.  Allow the pre-composted materials to settle for 2 to 3 days while keeping it moist (not wet).  DO NOT introduce worms at this point.

After 2 or 3 days, pull out the stick.  If the stick is still warm,  then give it a 2 or 3 more days to cool off.  Make sure that the bedding is kept moist.  DO NOT TURN the bedding as this will trigger a heating-up phase.

6.  When the precomposted materials have cooled-off, water up to 90% moisture.  Introduce 100 to 250 grams of worms to the bedding.  It helps if substrate from the bed where the worms came is also introduced to the new bed.  Cover the worms with a wet sheet of newspaper.Fold (or close) the sack opening to prevent predation and excessive watering due to rain.

Write the date of introduction.  Count 60 days and this will be the harvest/sorting date.

7.  Allow the worms 60 days to feed on the bedding.  60 days of worm treatment will give excellent vermicompost. By this time, the bedding will have lost 50% of its original volume and organic particles will be smaller.

8. Stop watering the worm bed 5 days (during summer) to 2 weeks (rainy season) before sorting.  If placed outdoors, transfer the sack to a roofed place to keep out the rain and cover with tarp.  Allowing the substrate to dry a little facilitates separation of the vermicompost and worms.  The unconsumed material can be added to a new sack with the worms.

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